Friday, January 22, 2010

10 things I love about teaching

1. Reading funny things my kids write. The "I can help others by..." writing prompt yielded some wonderful responses. For example, "I can help others by taking out the garbage."

2. Reading insightful things my kids write. We talked about things that don't cost money, and one student wrote, "You don't have to pay anything to look at a rainbow."

3. Being inspired by my students' strength. Some of my students are dealing with huge struggles in their lives, but they handle it with grace and a smile.

4. Every day is different. There's never a dull moment in third grade.

5. Getting really excited about a lesson I'm going to teach. Sometimes I get to a point in my planning where I get so excited about a lesson I almost giggle. Almost.

6. Seeing my kids come so far throughout the year.

7. High fives at the end of the day.

8. I never ever look at the clock and watch minutes crawl by during my work day. Time flies!

9. Talking to my cute kids about their lives. I especially love talking football or discussing music with my third graders.

10. My kids are always looking for ways to make me smile, whether it's a joke, a love note, or a compliment.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to be reminded why we love teaching. This week i needed this. It has been a week where i have had to give my fifth graders the respect and be kind to your fellow students speech everyday this week. It is good to think about why i like being there. Thank you for reminding me.
