Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Morning Routine

This has made such a difference in the way I feel when I get to work that I just have to share.

Every morning, I try to be ready for work at least a half hour before I have to walk out the door. That gives me time for my cherished morning routine. Here's how it goes:

Say my morning prayers after making my bed.

Eat a breakfast and drink my airborne (a MUST!)

Watch a few minutes of the local news or Fox News. (I confess, I fell in love with the anchor of Fox New's America's Newsroom while I was living in DC).

Make a lunch.

Read my scriptures and browse the front page of the newspaper.

Make a cup of cocoa in a thermal mug to take in the car with me.

I promise you - a peaceful morning routine is a piece of heaven on earth. It's exactly what I need to get me charged up for the busy day ahead.


  1. Wow the things you find on people's fb. You know I am technically a first year teacher too....... I am fairly entertaining.... (A legend in my own mind) so if you need ideas for your blog I may have a few;) Robin

  2. I just might have to try this morning routine thing. I find that most days i am running out the door hoping that i have everything that i need. I should really try to get it together one of these days.
