Thursday, August 27, 2009

Does anyone know the answer?

Dear University of Utah alumni,
Do you know if it's possible for us to use the wonderful curriculum library even though we are no longer students? It seems that it would be smart for them to continue to allow first year teachers to use the materials there, but I know my UCard doesn't work anymore... Does that mean I'm shucks out of luck when it comes to the Curriculum Library?

The First Day!

Now traditional schools are in session and we've all started to teach. Isn't it exciting? What were the most memorable moments of your first day? What did you do that went wonderfully well? Would you change anything? Please share!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Magic of a Hotel Bell

I completely swear by a hotel bell on the teacher's desk. Every time I ring it, my class snaps to attention and shuts their mouths, ready to hear what I have to say. I love it!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Welcome to the blog! I'm so glad you're here. I thought it would be great for us to have a place where we can share the joys, frustrations, and humorous moments of being a first year teacher. If you've been invited to contribute to the blog, feel free to vent about rough days, share great lesson ideas, tell funny stories about your kids, and ask for help. Just remember to change all the names of any kids involved in your stories.

Here's to a great first year!